
青岛昊乾景工程塑料制品有限公司。公司位于山东半岛胶州湾附近,在青岛的西北方向,距青岛市有50公里路程,已与世界上150多个国家开通了国际航线;沈海高速、胶济、胶黄以及胶新铁路横贯境内;距青岛国际机场也只有30分钟的车程,交通便利、地理位置非常优越。 本公司前身为开平拓商工程塑料线有限公司。成立于2000年,至今为止已有15年的生产制造历史。 公司采用美国进口的先进生产设备,公司拥有多项发明专利。专业生产PVC压花板带、及各种藤条。PE绳藤、PE扭藤、PE发泡S型压花藤条、PE梅花形藤条、PE混色藤条等多种产品,这些产品是做户外桌椅、办公家具的最佳材料。 本公司拥有经验丰富的技术人员和严格的管理制度,产品质量得到各配套厂家的一致好评,可以说,只要你来样或提出规格要求,就包您满意。 We are a manufacturer and exporter specialized in producing a wide variety collection of synthetic PE rattan (willow, wicker) materials (rods, peel and straps) for indoor and outdoor furniture as well as woven baskets that sell to our customers domestically and throughout the world for years at annual sales amount of US$5 million worth. We are new company but we have much experience in this field for years. As there are so many different items available in our production now, it's quite difficult to quote you all of them without choice.It'll be much appreciated and helpful if you can give us more details about the items you need actually i.e. styles, specs., colorway, packaging, estimating quantity of eachh items, delivery...etc. as well as a cutting sample of your own designs for our reference by return mail if possible, so that we could check if we have same or similar items available or offering our very best prices for your reference accordingly upon receipt. Our cutting samples also free available for your reference too upon request (freight collect). We assure our prices and quality can quite meet your requirement as we know perfectly the demand of a quality-conscious market and we are very proud of our reputation among our customers. Of course, your exclusive designs and licensed patterns to be produced by us at O.E.M. basis are surely much welcomed. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:山东胶州市福州南路青岛工学院南 浙ICP备17016739号-4
